Kidney Disease and Diabetic Patients

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Sajeda Qasim Abdulaziz Binjumaiah
Abdulrahman Hamad Abodabeel
Khalid Naif M Alotaibi
Bader Mohammed G Alotaibi
Khloud Ramadan Adress Alenezi
Bandar Hamdan Ghareeb Alanazi
Manal Rashied M Alanazi
Tardah Abdulaziz Marran Alanazi
Nawal Abdulaziz Marran Alanazi
Badriah Essa Sahal Alenazi
Mousa Sameer Alrakhimi
Ahmed Abdulrazaq Almutairi


The number of people with diabetes mellitus has grown dramatically around the world. This is mostly due to a rise in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). 537 million people around the world, or 11% of the population, had diabetes in 2021. By 2045, that number is expected to rise to 783 million, or 12% of the population. The rising number of people with T2DM is a result of the obesity epidemic, which is caused by eating more prepared foods, being less active, and spending more time sitting down. This so-called "Western lifestyle" is linked to more people living in cities and better technology. Chronic kidney disease in a person with diabetes is known as diabetic kidney disease (DKD). It is one of the most common and serious long-term effects of diabetes. Twenty to fifty percent of people with T2DM will eventually develop DKD. DKD is the main cause of chronic kidney disease and end-stage kidney disease around the world, making up half of all cases. In addition, DKD causes a lot of heart disease and death and lowers the quality of life for people who have it. This study gives you the most recent information on how to diagnose DKD, how common it is, and what causes it.

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Sajeda Qasim Abdulaziz Binjumaiah, Abdulrahman Hamad Abodabeel, Khalid Naif M Alotaibi, Bader Mohammed G Alotaibi, Khloud Ramadan Adress Alenezi, Bandar Hamdan Ghareeb Alanazi, Manal Rashied M Alanazi, Tardah Abdulaziz Marran Alanazi, Nawal Abdulaziz Marran Alanazi, Badriah Essa Sahal Alenazi, Mousa Sameer Alrakhimi, & Ahmed Abdulrazaq Almutairi. (2023). Kidney Disease and Diabetic Patients. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 3(11), 2930–2937.


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